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$GLOBALS['_PROMO_AFFILIATE_MAP'] = array( 'rt01'=> '178' ); function ApplyDiscounts($promo, $orders) { $paypal_fields = "&TRIALBILLINGFREQUENCY=1&TRIALBILLINGPERIOD=Month&TRIALSHIPPINGAMT=0&TRIALTAXAMT=0&"; if($promo == 'rt01') { foreach($orders['month'] as $k=>$order) { $orders['month'][$k]['package'] .= ' (under "50% off for 3 months") '; $orders['month'][$k]['paypal_fields'] = $paypal_fields."TRIALTOTALBILLINGCYCLES=3&TRIALAMT=".nf($order['price']*.5); } } elseif($promo == 'RemoteTechie11') { foreach($orders['month'] as $k=>$order) { $orders['month'][$k]['package'] .= ' (under "33% off for 3 months") '; $orders['month'][$k]['paypal_fields'] = $paypal_fields."TRIALTOTALBILLINGCYCLES=3&TRIALAMT=".nf($order['price']*.33); } } else if($promo == 'rt02') { foreach($orders['month'] as $k=>$order) { $orders['month'][$k]['package'] .= ' (under "50% off for 1 months") '; $orders['month'][$k]['paypal_fields'] = $paypal_fields."TRIALTOTALBILLINGCYCLES=1&TRIALAMT=".nf($order['price']*.5); } } else if($promo == 'ProtectedmyPC') { foreach($orders['month'] as $k=>$order) { $orders['month'][$k]['package'] .= ' (under "15% off for 1 months") '; $orders['month'][$k]['paypal_fields'] = $paypal_fields."TRIALTOTALBILLINGCYCLES=1&TRIALAMT=".nf($order['price']*.85); } } else if($promo == 'RemoteTechySave30') { foreach($orders['month'] as $k=>$order) { if($order['package'] == 'Proactive Total Care') { $orders['month'][$k]['package'] .= ' (30% off for 1st month (Total Care)) '; $orders['month'][$k]['paypal_fields'] = $paypal_fields."TRIALTOTALBILLINGCYCLES=1&TRIALAMT=".nf($order['price']*.7); } else { ;//$orders['month'][$k]['paypal_fields'] = $paypal_fields."TRIALTOTALBILLINGCYCLES=1&TRIALAMT=".nf($order['price']*.7);; } } } else if($promo == 'rt03') { foreach($orders['month'] as $k=>$order) { $orders['month'][$k]['package'] .= ' (under "First month Free") '; $orders['month'][$k]['paypal_fields'] = $paypal_fields."TRIALTOTALBILLINGCYCLES=1&TRIALAMT=0.01"; } } else if($promo == 'rt04') { foreach($orders['month'] as $k=>$order) { $orders['month'][$k]['package'] .= ' (under "30% off for 6 months") '; $orders['month'][$k]['paypal_fields'] = $paypal_fields."TRIALTOTALBILLINGCYCLES=6&TRIALAMT=".nf($order['price']*.7); } } else if($promo == 'RemoteTech11') { foreach($orders['month'] as $k=>$order) { $orders['month'][$k]['package'] .= ' (under "25% off for 6 months") '; $orders['month'][$k]['paypal_fields'] = $paypal_fields."TRIALTOTALBILLINGCYCLES=6&TRIALAMT=".nf($order['price']*.75); } } else if($promo == 'rt05') { $total_plans = count($orders['month']); if( $total_plans > 3 ) { $tmp_orders = $orders['month']; for($i=1; floor($total_plans / 3) >=1; $i++ ) { if(isset($orders['month'][$i*4-1])) { $orders['month'][$i*4-1]['package'] .= ' (under "Buy 3 Plans get 1 Free") '; $orders['month'][$i*4-1]['price']=0.01; } $total_plans-=4; } } } else if($promo == 'rt06') { foreach($orders['onetime'] as $k=>$order) { $orders['onetime'][$k]['package'] .= ' (under "50% off a One Time package") '; $orders['onetime'][$k]['price'] = nf($order['price']*.5); } } else if($promo == 'PCAppointmentFix') { foreach($orders['onetime'] as $k=>$order) { $orders['onetime'][$k]['package'] .= ' (under "10% off a One Time package") '; $orders['onetime'][$k]['price'] = nf($order['price']*.9); } } else if($promo == 'rt07') { $jsr['discount_title'] = 'Buy 2 one time packages get 1 free'; $total_plans = count($orders['onetime']); if( $total_plans >= 2 ) { $tmp_orders = $orders['onetime']; for($i=1; floor($total_plans / 2) >=1; $i++ ) { if(isset($orders['onetime'][$i*3-1])) { $orders['onetime'][$i*3-1]['package'] .= ' (under "Buy 2 one time packages get 1 free") '; $orders['onetime'][$i*3-1]['price']=0.01; } $total_plans-=3; } } } return $orders; } if( !function_exists('json_encode') ) { function json_encode($array ) { if( !is_array( $array ) ){ return false; } $associative = count( array_diff( array_keys($array), array_keys( array_keys( $array )) )); if( $associative ){ $construct = array(); foreach( $array as $key => $value ){ // We first copy each key/value pair into a staging array, // formatting each key and value properly as we go. // Format the key: if( is_numeric($key) ){ $key = "key_$key"; } $key = "'".addslashes($key)."'"; // Format the value: if( is_array( $value )){ $value = array_to_json( $value ); } else if( !is_numeric( $value ) || is_string( $value ) ){ $value = "'".addslashes($value)."'"; } // Add to staging array: $construct[] = "$key: $value"; } // Then we collapse the staging array into the JSON form: $result = "{ " . implode( ", ", $construct ) . " }"; } else { // If the array is a vector (not associative): $construct = array(); foreach( $array as $value ){ // Format the value: if( is_array( $value )){ $value = array_to_json( $value ); } else if( !is_numeric( $value ) || is_string( $value ) ){ $value = "'".addslashes($value)."'"; } // Add to staging array: $construct[] = $value; } // Then we collapse the staging array into the JSON form: $result = "[ " . implode( ", ", $construct ) . " ]"; } return $result; } } function nf($num, $dec=2) { return number_format($num,$dec); } ?> Compare Packages | Remote Techy